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Mutual Security Credit Union Selected to Receive the Father Cascia Service Award

Written by Mutual Security Credit Union | Mar 25, 2022 4:02:00 PM

Each year, the St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Waterbury recognizes certain individuals and organizations that have served the poorest of greater Waterbury as a volunteer, in an exceptional manner, consistently, over a significant period of time. In doing so, these individuals and organizations exemplify the spirit of service and the dedication of Father Philip Cascia who founded the Mission and served as its chief officer, counselor, and guide throughout the early years of operation. Accordingly, the awards have been named the "Father Cascia Service Award" to honor his memory and to keep alive his spirit of service in present-day and future generations.

Mutual Security Credit Union has been selected to receive the Father Cascia Service Award during this year's upcoming banquet on Thursday, September 22, 2022.