Creating and working toward a savings goal can help you build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses or future expenses that might not be covered by a monthly budget. A solid emergency fund can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the extra step to plan for whatever the future might hold.
News & Insights
Welcome to Mutual Security’s News and Insights page, where you’ll find updates, tips, and resources on banking, borrowing, and financial planning from the experts at one of the best credit unions in Connecticut.
It seems like the next financial #crisis is always one bad government report away, so where can you keep your money the safest? Find out why a credit union is your best choice!
Life is good, so why must you worry about an emergency fund? Well, life can go from good to disastrous pretty quickly, and you need to be prepared!
Everyone makes mistakes, but money mistakes can really wreck your life. Let us help you steer clear of the three most common money mistakes!
Is there any way to get through the back-to-school season without spending a small fortune? Save these tips for your shopping this year!
It’s time for back-to-school shopping, but inflation is taking a big bite out of everyone’s budget this year. Use our tips to navigate the season!
Does trying to keep up with the current financial news give you a headache? Let us help you make sense of it!
Hotel stays can take a big bite out of your vacation budget, but there are ways to cut back! Here are nine ways to save on hotel stays.
Are you thinking of starting a family? There are big costs involved for everything from child care to college, and you’ll need to be prepared.
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