What a year it’s been. Looking back to my first message to you as CEO almost 12 months ago, I wrote...
CEO Larry Holderman's 2019 Year-End Message

As CEO for the last 41 years, I’m proud to say MSCU truly encompasses the fundamental aspects of what credit unions are all about; collaboration, passion, and community. To us, being a full-service financial institution means doing more than simply providing financial products and services.
Looking back over the past year, I can say with great confidence that it has been a year full of progress. Some of it came from the momentum started in previous years, while other aspects have resulted from a strong strategic focus and our willingness to make difficult decisions.
From implementing a new and improved digital banking platform, relocating our Norwalk branch to enhance convenience and service for our members, to donating over $15,000 to support local non-profit organizations including Homes for the Brave and St. Vincent DePaul; this past year has been one of commitment, engagement, and forward movement. I believe MSCU is positioned for a future where we can help even more members elevate their financial well-being.
I am grateful to the MSCU staff, our leadership team, and our Board of Directors for all that we have accomplished this year. Together we have established an incredibly strong foundation for progress and growth.
I look forward to passing the CEO baton to current MSCU President Hank Baum on January 1st. I am confident he can continue MSCU’s mission to be the financial cooperative that elevates and secures the standards of well-being within the communities of Western Connecticut.
In closing, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the faith you have shown in allowing me the privilege to serve as your CEO. I am sure the next 12 months will go by very quickly, but I hope to be able to connect with as many of you as possible during that time. Our tagline, “Elevating the Community,” has always been very personal for me, and I know our staff will continue the wonderful culture that makes MSCU such an exceptional financial institution.
Happy Holidays,