Apostolic Worship Center (AWC) is a multicultural and multi-ethnic church, ministering to people of diverse social, economic, and racial background. As part of their vision, AWC aims to establish “Ministry Centers” to accommodate areas of both physical and spiritual needs within the communities, such as providing groceries and household items to local families in need.
In support of AWC’s vision, MSCU made a proud charitable donation of $1,000 to support the Apostolic Worship Center to host their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, right in time for the holidays! It is through our ongoing partnerships with organizations like AWC that helps to support our commitment to elevate the community where our members live, work and play.
This year’s food drive, held on Saturday, November 19th, provided approximately 138 families in or near the city of Bridgeport with turkeys and other essential groceries like rice, non-perishables, juice, baby formula, fresh vegetables and more! The drive lasted the majority of the day, from 10:30am to 3:30pm on Saturday with pre-packed bags for families to take home.

VP of Lending, Jeff Tracey (R), with Apostolic Worship Center members.