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MSCU Community Comes Together to Fight Hunger

Throughout the month of September, people all across America stand together to fight hunger in their community in honor of Hunger Action Month. From food drives to volunteering at local non-profits, individuals dedicate their time and efforts to help find a solution for the nationwide hunger crisis and to make a change in others’ lives.
According to a study by the Connecticut Food bank, 12.2% or 437,530 Connecticut residents are food insecure, and it would take nearly $245 million to meet the need of Connecticut’s food insecure population. Generally thought of as an affluent state, many are unaware of the statistics of poverty and hunger in the state of Connecticut:
- 350,783 out of 3,486,033 residents have been reported to receive income below the poverty line
- Women hold the highest level of poverty rates in CT = 11.1% … Men = 9%
- 406,810 people struggle with hunger and out of them, 115,240 are children
As part of our commitment to elevate the well-being of Western Connecticut, Mutual Security Credit Union was proud to host the 12th Annual Fill-A-Truck Food Drive to support the great work of the St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Waterbury Food Pantry.
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry is a local organization that accepts donations of non-perishable goods and turns it into something amazing. Their Soup Kitchen serves over 350 cooked meals per day, and their Food Pantry prepares and distributes over 86,000 meals each year, all with the help of volunteers.
Thanks to the MSCU community, the Fill-A-Truck Food Drive was able to fill the entire SVDP box-truck with non-perishable items and collect over $4,500 in donations to help aid SVDP’s network of services that support people experiencing poverty, homelessness, hunger and mental health challenges.
The success of the event would not be possible without the team from WATR 1320AM helping us spread the word during their radio broadcasts, volunteers from SVDP collecting donations at Stop &Shop and LaBonne’s Market, and the community coming together to help fight hunger and stock the shelves of this local non-profit
If you know of a non-profit that could use MSCU’s help, let us know by filling out the form on our